I want to express my unreserved, profound gratitude to you all, my brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues, associates, supporters, believers in and promoters of my course, from Iwajowa communities to all over the globe, for taking time out of your busy schedules and concerns, to celebrate me on my birth anniversary – it sure means a lot to me. Your prayers, your wishes, your calls, your texts, your gifts brought smiles to my face, gladdens my heart and fuels my resolve to live more impactful life.
My perspective of the Psalmist prayers in chapter 90 verse 12 which says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart to wisdom “, is that every life has as a purpose, to help others live a meaningful and satisfying lives. I have, through the love, care and magnanimity of others from my cradle till now, been helped to become who I turned out to be and I am resolutely determined to use every avenue available to me, to magnanimously give love and care to the world around me. I owe it as a duty.

So, on this occasion of my 39th birthday I want to specially thank all those who have been there for me, for your prayers, wishes, supports, counsels, gifts, and every gesture towards me. My God will honour you in every way imaginable. Special mention must be of certain communities in my Constituency, Iwajowa such as Iganna-Ile, Iwere-Ile, Ayetoro-Ile, Ijio-Meso etc, your acceptance and support for me is legendary. I pray to God in the words of Isaiah 61:3, that He will give you Beauty in place of ashes, Oil of gladness in place of mourning and Garments of Praise in exchange for spirit of heaviness. My God will perfect all that concerns you. Amen
Thank you all very much.