A Socio-political group of the Yoruba origin Omo Oduduwa Worldwide (OOW) has written the President of Nigeria, H. E Muhammad Buhari, requesting his assent for a sovereign state of Oduduwa.
The group made it clear in the letter that they no longer believe in One Nigeria and the Yoruba Nation should be allowed to break away

We the Omo Oduduwa Worldwide, a socio-political organisation representing the Yoruba people in Nigeria and abroad wish to use this medium to inform your government that we will like to exercise our inalienable right as a member of the UNPO to demand self determination as a Yoruba Nation and break away from the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
We the Omo Oduduwa Worldwide do not believe in restructuring of constitutional reform that your government is proposing, as it is a mere farce and would not be in interest of the Yoruba people, who have continuously suffered discrimination, subjugation, nepotism and bigotry by your government, we do not fit into your agenda of fulanisation of Nigeria.
The article of agreement that brought the southern and nother protectorate together in 1914, resulting in the country Nigeria has since expired since 2014, hence, the country Nigeria in existing on falsehood and unconstitutional.
Yoruba Nation is made of over 70 million people spread across three geo-political zones in Nigeria, namely, South-west, South-South and North-Central. We strongly believe that we have everything we need to rule ourselves and develop a prosperous and forward looking country for ourselves and generations unborn.
All indigenous Yoruba Personel working in any Parastatal, Ministries, Departments of the present Federal Government of Nigeria should be allowed to relocate to any Yoruba state and all Yoruba businesses in any part of Nigeria should be allowed to move their businesses to any Yoruba state.
We are genuinely making this request without any anticipation of trouble or disquietness, We believe we can peacefully achieve our self determination without any recourse to war or fighting.
Please Your Excellency, Accept the assurance of our highest regard.
Yours faithfully,
Oluwaseyi Dabiel Ogunyemi
For: Omo Oduduwa Worldwide