Polaris Bank is one of the largest banks in Nigeria with more than 350 branches across the country. It also operates in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Angola was established by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on September 21, 2018 to offer commercial banking services to the Nigerian public.
Polaris Bank search of passionate, result-oriented candidates willing to work in our plus 300 branches within Nigeria to build a banking career.

Apply now for the job opportunity at Polaris Bank Limited.
Account Manager
Job Specifications:
- Full Time
- Required Qualifications: BA/BSC/HND
- Location: Oyo | Nigeria.
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Job Description:
Acquired and developed accounting skills, revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, accounting debits and credits and also recordings of transactions.
Qualifications and Requirements:
Developed organizational skills while working in the various financial institutions, took on multiple personal trainings under my bosses
efficiency- skills enhanced from work experience, where multi-tasking occur on daily basis, made a time planner showing visible tasks and deadlines in order to execute all tasks in terms of their priority to uphold the allocated time frame.
Marketing Skills
Acquired marketing skills while working with Heritage Bank, Skye Bank and Polaris Bank Limited which has really developed me in booking of loans, account opening documentations, e-tranzact payment, E-channels set up, good customer relation and other Marketing and also Operational activities.