The Oyo state Independent Electoral Commission invites applications from eligible candidates to serve
as Adhoc staff in the 2024 Local Government Elections in the following categories:
- Assistant Presiding Officers (APO)
- Presiding Officers (PO)
- Supervisors (SU)
- Ward Collation Officers (WCO)
- LGA Returning Officers (RO)
- Assistant Electoral officers (AEO)
- Electoral Officers (EO)
To be considered for consideration and engagement, all candidate must
have the following documents:

- Functional Phone Number
- Functional Email Account
- Functional/ Operational Commercial Bank Account
- Relevant Educational Qualifications.
- Bank Verification Number (BVN).

Application Dates
The 2024 OYSIEC Recruitment portal will open on 1st of February, 2024 and closes on 15th of February, 2024.
Educational qualifications for each position
- Assistant Presiding officer (APO) and Presiding officer (PO)- A Minimum of OND/NCE
. Supervisors (SU)/ward collation officers (WCO)- A Minimum of BA./BSc. /HND
- LGA Returning officers (RO) – A minimum of Msc/MA/Senior Lecturers in Tertiary institutions
- Assistant Electoral Officers (AEO)- A minimum level of a Vice principal or level 13 in civil service
- Electoral Officers (EO) – A minimum level of School Principal level 15 in civil service.
How to Apply
All interested applicants are to register on the Oyo State Independent Electoral Commission e-recruitment portal